The Studio …. lets have a look under the lid
Cubase 13
Cubase Pro 13 is one of the most powerful music creation software packages available. With its unrivaled range of flexible tools, you can create any kind of music quickly and intuitively. It comes packed with a wide range of virtual instruments, effects and thousands of sounds. Whether you’re a professional composer or an amateur musician, we have everything you need for turning your ideas into music.
Allen & Heath SQ6
Allen & Heath SQ6 is a compact digital mixer, built around a powerful 48x36 processing matrix with a 32x32 USB audio interface. Designed for the latest in modern engineering techniques, and every detail in this uniquely capable 24/48 channel small footprint mixer has been carefully thought out to provide the very best mixing experience.
The Main players
Addicitive Drums 2
XLN’s Addictive Drums 2. With over 5000 beats & grooves covering many styles, we can help you build a custom kit from the floor up or
use one of the in-built pro kits. So no more waiting to record that song or demo because of no drummer, its been quoted as “the worlds best drums out of the box”, and it doesn’t swear or throw beer cans at you ….
AmpliTube 5
AmpliTube 5 modelling software to make your instruments sound like a pro amp without the cost, we have Marshall's, Fender's, Orange, Ampeg, Lesile's even Messa Boogie's amps, plus signature series from Jimi Hendrix and Slash to add even more zest to your sound.
But this is only a small array of what we have to offer, lets not forget; SoftTube, Slate Digital, AD2 Addicitve Keys, iZotope, Waves & still more …..